What is food?

We all believe we know the answer to this simple question and think it’s funny to even ask it. As with most things in life, it has become clear to me that human beings have been having a hard time…

Does it seem to be working?

A friend and I had a debate recently. I said I look in the mirror and make the change. He said I should try and change other people’s minds about the way they live and the way they eat. They…

Paleo vs. Ketogenic

I started following the Paleo diet about two years ago but was really into the science and the science explained that Paleo is a good place to start but does not really provide answers to all the issues I will…

Faith in you?

When I was a little boy, my father taught me to respect people in their beliefs. I grew up believing in that but with time, I found out that I had issues with that saying and with many others. I…


I am not a big fan of trends. As the name suggests, they tend to be around for a while and then be forgotten. Our current health crisis is not something to be taken lightly. We choose not to talk…

Real Food

Getting started is not easy. It is the simple truth for most things in life. Change is mostly hard. Like most people who chose to make a nutritional change and ended up with an upgraded life, my change was not…

A Ticking Bomb

As someone who’s been monitoring the health crisis closely for the last couple of years, having a reformed type 2 diabetic by my side (my partner for life, Elinor who is now doing very well on Zero Carbs), I already…


Explaining why I eat the way I eat today is not an issue. After so many lectures and lessons, it is very easy to make others see the sense in the way I eat if they are open enough to…

Learning to breath

I’m not sure what parts of my personality and self esteem were influenced by which of my life’s events. This life experience I am about to write about, may have a lot to do with my “charming personality”, “different mindset”…