Category Nutrition

Scientific evidence and common belief

Let us tell an old story anew, and we will see how well you know it. Our story begins with a beloved US president Dwight David “Ike” Eisenhower and the heart attack he suffered in September 1955. Pressure was put…

The new normal

I decided to write this post after hearing many people describing themselves as ‘healthy’ without even understanding what a ‘chronic patient’ is. You see, as someone who, as a child, frequented the local family doctor and local pharmacy, I remembered…

Why Cancer?

I have spent more than half of my life being sick and an unfortunate recipient of our modern Healthcare system.  This is what I’ve learned about it all: The Healthcare system is mostly about dealing with symptoms, not actual health…

Forza Demonica

A short disclaimer This post is written around my opinions and I do not intend to bring evidence of any kind for what is written here. You may take it as an opinion but science exists to support most of…

The Three Magicians

The three monkeys

This post is not a magical fairy tale but rather a different perspective to the modern world we live in. Many times before I spoke about the pharmaceutical industry and about the food industry and how they affect our way…

Abusing everything & our immune system

Our modern world has given us access to so much: so much information, so much science, so many drugs, so much alcohol, so much food, so many people, so much chasing after meaningless material things that serve no purpose in…

What is food?

We all believe we know the answer to this simple question and think it’s funny to even ask it. As with most things in life, it has become clear to me that human beings have been having a hard time…