About ten years ago I found out that what I really like to do is learn new things.
My learning process is very different from most. I do not take courses at the local university, I do not have a specific subject of interest, I find something that interests me and dig deep.
Many times during these 10 years I have been surprised when a wealth of evidence showed something to be very different from what most people thought they knew about it, and yet they were sure they were following science and what they were reciting was a scientific fact.
I learned two very important things about science early on:
1. Science cannot live by consensus.
2. The science of yesterday is rarely the science of tomorrow.
And yet every day I see politicians, doctors, other professionals, and people on the street making decisions based on outdated science, or even something that has never been scientifically proven (although for some reason it has become the conventional wisdom for most).
Let me give you a few examples:
Global Warming
An “end of the world” theory, now more than 50 years old, claims that greenhouse gases, especially CO2 (carbon dioxide), are causing an alarming and steady rise in the temperature of our atmosphere, which will eventually make this planet uninhabitable.
You can see Carl Sagan, a genius astrophysicist, here in a speech to the American Senate in 1985, talking about the devastating effects of this phenomenon. If you listen carefully, you will hear him say that in 25 years we will not be able to live with the high temperatures that will be on this planet.
Guess what, we’re still here, 40 years later, and there’s no real evidence of rising temperatures.
People continue to use this outdated scientific theory, go to extreme lengths to reduce their “carbon footprint,” politicians enact carbon taxes for an old claim that was never viable in the first place, and the correlation between greenhouse gases and rising temperatures has never really correlated on any graph.
Today you can actually listen to Prof. Nir Shaviv as he talks about his theory about what makes our planet change temperatures, which has nothing to do with greenhouse gases (or cow farts 😉 ). Prof. Shaviv can actually show a correlation between his theory and the change in temperature.
I highly recommend this movie where Prof. Shaviv and others explain why the theory of global warming has never been more than a theory and the numbers supporting this theory cannot be trusted.
You can read more about it in Climate change or a cycle of ingrates
Viruses cause disease
In the 19th century, two competing theories tried to explain why we get sick. One was called the “germ theory” and the other was called the “terrain theory”. Although there was no hard scientific evidence in either direction, the germ theory (which basically claimed that viruses cause disease) was widely embraced by pharmaceutical companies who saw an opportunity to make money off of it.
Today, while the whole world continues to recite the “germ theory” as the cause of disease, while researchers in laboratories around the world are frustrated by the fact that they cannot even infect human cells with the flu, more and more scientific evidence is piling up in the other direction, blaming toxins and chemicals in our environment for many of our diseases.
You can read more about it in Scientific evidence and common belief
Ancient Apocalypse
This particular case illustrates how so-called serious scientists fight over what they think they know instead of following the evidence wherever it may lead.
For years, archaeology believed that there were no advanced civilizations on this planet before the one that lives on it today.
In the last 30 years or so, many new sites have been discovered that suggest this may not be the case.
In a Netflix series called “Ancient Apocalypse,” a British writer named Graham Hancock goes to great lengths to show that there is enough evidence today to prove that we are not the first advanced civilization on this planet.
The majority of archaeologists continue to smear his name and claim that his theories are not worth exploring.
It is an interesting theory that the Younger Dryas (a mini ice age that happened about 14,000 years ago) wiped out advanced civilizations that lived on this planet at that time, leading us to believe that there were no advanced civilizations on this planet before us.
The holy grail of vaccines
There is over 200 years of vaccine history. Yet, if you try to discuss vaccines with most people, you will find that they are not really open to debate on the subject.
It is enough to consider what I have written here under “Viruses Cause Disease” to make you doubt every vaccine that has ever been invented, because all vaccines are based on the idea that viruses actually cause disease, so if that is not true, then vaccines have no place in our lives to begin with.
Vaccines are considered a ‘scientific advancement’ in medical science and some people go so far as to call them ‘the hope of mankind’, ‘the cure of all cures’.
I found the subject fascinating, so I decided to do some research of my own. The amount of historical evidence I found with little effort would probably be called a “conspiracy” by anyone after an hour of reading.
To me, when people are unwilling to openly debate a subject, it automatically means there is something terribly wrong with it. No matter what material you are exposed to, 200 years back in time, all the data seems to raise more questions than answers.
People quote things like “vaccines have helped save millions of people” but there is no real written evidence to support that.
Most of the scientific evidence is written around what we now call “vaccine injury” to try to mitigate the results and claim that vaccines are safe to use.
The new kid on the block, the number one hit of recent years, the so-called ‘mRna vaccine’ has no evidence whatsoever to support its safety, little to no evidence to support its efficacy, and yet billions of people are rushing to get this miracle drug claiming it helped us through the 2020 pandemic.
You can read more about the amount of corruption behind this ‘mRna vaccine’ here:
You can also read more about the connection between vaccines and autism here:
Cholesterol is the worst of all evils
A debate that is now over 70 years old, one that the U.S. government spent years and billions of dollars trying to prove, only to come up short, one that was born out of true ignorance and swept the entire scientific and medical establishment off its feet, one that has already cost many people their health, is still going strong.
The idea that cholesterol was a cause of CVD (cardiovascular disease) was never based on science. To this day, there are many people, doctors, scientists, who know for a fact that this is a scientific fact that has been proven by science many times over the last 70 years, but it never happened.
If you want to learn more about cholesterol, you can read about it in Cholesterol – Vilifying the ‘good guy’ is so common these days
If you want to learn more about the scientific evidence behind it all, you can read about it here:
The sad truth
I think I have made my point. As always, most of my material has a lot to do with our health but I think I managed to demonstrate that this ‘falsifying of evidence’ is going on in many so-called scientific fields and has become a real issue.
One major problem I identify in all this is that politicians are fast to respond to outdated and unproved science.
With politicians it is a real danger, most of them are not educated enough, most of them use these point as selling points while trying to be elected or re-elected, they would not sit and watch ‘the whole world burn’, so they are fast to mandate extreme measures to made up problems (like carbon footprint and carbon taxes for instance).
What is more disturbing is the fact that in the name of outdated and unproved science, they will burn nations, traditions, accepted ways of living – that date back hundreds of years.
I love technology and I believe that technology is mostly here to improve our existing ways of life and not to eradicate our existing ways of life.
Here in Europe we have many old countries cherishing some beautiful old traditions and it feels like political bodies like the EU are busy trying to get rid of those traditions to build something new.
For some reason, I see many politicians promoting technologies based on bad or outdated science, not to improve our way of life, but to step over our older ways thinking they would get something better.
I would argue that synergy between new technology and old traditions is crucial in moving forward.
Stay educated,